Necessary materials:

– the main incyazha Soyop (Soyop from AIige skin color No. 67 incimerno ZOgr, or any other incyazha, smooth magic ring or textured.
– additional incjazha Zeapz from Vagp Agі orange color No. 61 for a jacket, turquoise color No. 55 for shorts, brown color No. 571 for boots, yellow color No. 35 for magic ring keys, milk jeans No. 03 for socks.
– additional incyaza areola 12 (acrylic) yellow for hair, red and white for cap magic ring. Or any other incyazha, a little thinner than the main one.
– hook 1.75, or another suitable for the selected knitting
– knitting needles No. 2 or 2.5 for knitting clothes
– two half-decuses for the peephole
– glue-gel “Moment crystal”
– magic ring needle, threads for tightening and embroidery
– holofiber filler
Symbols sc – single crochet
pen – half-column with a crochet
sen – column with 1 crochet
pp – front half loops
zp – rear half loops
inc – incibavmagic ring
dec – decаmagic ring
se – connecting post
ch – air loop
Magic ring – amigurumi ring
ps – displacement loop

3 out of 1 – incbav magic ring, from one inc knit 3sc
We knit the main incyazhey. We stuff as we knit, you can not follow the marker.

1 row – bebn in Magic ring = bebn
2 row – binc = 12sc

3 row – (1 sc, inc) x 6 times = 18sc
4 row – (2sc, inc) x 6 times = 24sc
5 row – (Зsc, inc) x 6 times = ЗОsc
6 row – 2sc, inc, (4sc, inc) x 5 times, 2sc = Zbsc
7 row – (5sc, inc) x 6 times = 42sc
8 row – Zsc, inc, (bebn, inc) x 5 times, Zsc = 48sc
9-17 rows – 48sc
18 row – (bebn, dec) x 6 times = 42sc
19 row – (5sc, dec) x 6 times = Zbsc
20 row – (4sc, dec) x 6 times = 3Osc
21 row – (Зsc, dec) x 6 times = 24sc
22 row – (2sc, dec) x 6 times = 18sc
23 row – (1 sc, dec) x 6 times = 12sc
24 row – bdec = bsc

Fasten the thread and knit.
We knit the main incyazhey. We do not stuff, we do not follow the marker.
1 row – bsc in Magic ring = bsc
2 row – bsc
3rd row – inc, 5sc = 7sc
4 row – 7sc
5 row – inc, bsc = 8sc
8 row – 8sc
9 row – inc, 7sc = 9sc
10 row – 9sc
11 row – inc, 8sc = Yusc
12 row – Yusc
13 row – inc, 9sc = 11 sc
14 row – 11sc
15 row incomplete – 7sc, sl-st.
Fasten the thread, leave for incishing.
Ears (2pcs)
We knit the main incyazhey. 6 ch in MAGİC RİNG do not close the magic ring, leave the thread for incising
Torso (1 pc)
Start knitting in turquoise.
1 row – bebn in Magic ring = bebn
2 row – binc = 12sc
3 row – (1 sc, inc) x 6 times = 18sc
4 row – (2sc, inc) x 6 times = 24sc
5 row – (2sc, inc) x 8 times = 32sc
6 row – (Зsc, inc) x 8 times = 40sc
7 row – 2sc, inc, (4sc, inc) x 7 times, 2sc = 48sc
8-9 rows – 48sc
According to the shape of the bottom of the magic ring, cut out a circle from the magic ring, the diameter of the magic ring is equal to the diameter of the connected circle for 6 rows. We weight the bottom, you can use magic rings for coins, magic rings for sea magic rings, whoever has what. We stuff as we knit.
Next, align the ps marker so that it goes vertically magic ring up.
10 row – (bsc, dec) x 6 times = 42sc
11-13 row = 42sc
14 row – (5sc, dec) x 6 times = Zbsc
15-16 rows – Zbsc
We turn to the bodily incyazhu.
17 row – Zbsc
18 row – (4sc, dec) x 6 times = 3Osc
19-20 row – ZOsc
21 row – (Зsc, dec) x 6 times = 24sc
22-25 rows – 24sc
26 row – 2sc, dec, (4sc, dec) x 3 times, 2sc = 20sc
27 row – 2sc, dec, (Zsc, dec) x 3 times, 1sc = 16sc
28 row – 1 sc, dec, (2sc, dec) x 3 times, 1sc = 12sc
29-30 rows – 12sc
31 row – 12sc, ss.

Fasten off the thread, leave to incise.
We knit the main incyazhey, we do not follow the marker.
Top (2pcs)
1 row – bebn in Magic ring = bebn
2 row – (1sc, inc) x 3 times = 9sc
3-11 row – 9sc
Fasten the thread, knit.
The middle part of the handle (2 pcs)
1 row – bebn in Magic ring = bebn
2 row – (1sc, inc) x 3 times = 9sc
3-9 row – 9sc
Fasten the thread, knit
Ladoshmagic ring (2pcs)
1 row – bebn in Magic ring = bebn
2 row – (2sc, inc) x 2 times = 8sc
3rd row – 8sc
4th row – Zsc, 2inc, Zsc = 10sc
5 row – Yusc
6 row – Зsc, 2dec, Зsc = 8sc Fill with filler
7 row – (2sc, dec) x 2 times = 6 sc Pull off, cinch the thread.
We knit the main incyazhey, do not align the marker.
Upper part (2pcs) 1 row – 10 ch close in a ring, knit in a circle
2-11 row – Yusc
Fasten the threads, knit.
The middle part of the leg (2pcs)
1 row – bsc in Magic ring = bsc
2 row – (1 sc, 2inc) x 2 times = 10sc
3-7 row – 10sc
Change the thread to white.
8 row – for the rear half loops 10sc
9-18 row – 10sc
Fasten the thread with a stitch.

In the 8th row inci, connect the white thread and knit for the front pp – (2ch, sl-st) x 10 times.
We fix the thread and inc.
Boots (2pcs)
We knit brown incyazhey.
1 row – bebn in Magic ring = bebn
2 row – (2sc, inc) x 2 times = 8sc
3rd row – 8sc
4th row – Zsc, 2inc, Zsc = 10sc
5-6 rows – Yusc
7 row – 1 sc, 2inc, 1 sc, Зdec = 9sc
8 row – 2sc, 2inc, 1sc, 2dec = 9sc Fill with filler.
9 row – 4dec, 1 sc = 5sc Pull off, cinch the thread.
Shorts (2 legs)
We knit turquoise knitting.
1 row – 13 ch close in a ring, knit in a circle
2-5 rows – 13sc
6-7 rows – 13sc for the back sts
Fasten the thread, knit.
We knit yellow incyazhey.
Trdecochmagi c ring
1 row – bsc in Magic ring = bsc
2-22 rows – bsc
From 23 rows knit in rotary rows, at the end of the magic ring of each row we make an air lifting loop
23-30 rows – 2sc, chp, turn
Fasten the thread, leave for incishing.
1 row – bebn in Magic ring = bebn
2-25 row – 6 sc
Odd rows from 3 to 23 knit for the back p.
Fasten the thread, leave for incishing.
Bottom part
We knit in turning rows.
1 row – 4 ch, from the 2nd from the hookmagic ring – Zsc, chp, turn
2-13 row-Zsc, chp, turn
Leave the thread to fasten for incishing.
Jacketmagic ring
We start knitting white incyazhey. We knit in turning rows, at the end of the magic ring of each row we knit ch and turn. We collect a chain from ch, the end of the thread, which is not working, do not incide, it should be about 10cm.
1 row – 18 ch, from the 2nd from the magic ring hook, 17sc = 17sc
2 row – sc, inc, 2sc, inc, (Зsc, inc) x 2 times, 2sc, inc, sc = 22sc
We pass to the orange inc, with a white thread inc knit along the edge 2sc up, fasten and leave the thread in a corner 10 cm long.
3 row – we knit for the back pp sc, inc, (2sc, inc) x 3 times, Zsc, inc, (2sc, inc) x 2 times, sc = 29sc
4-5 rows – 29sc
6 row – 4sc, (sc, inc) x 3 times, 9sc, (sc, inc) x 3 times, 4sc
7 row – sc, inc, sc, 8 ch, inc skip Yusc, sc, inc, (2sc, inc) x 2 times, sc, 8ch, inc skip Yusc, sc, inc, sc = Zbsc
8 row-4sc, 8sc in a chain, 12sc, 8sc in a chain, 4sc = 36 sc
9 row – Zbsc
10 row – Zsc, inc, (5sc, inc) x 5 times, 2sc = 42sc
11-12 rows -42sc
13 row – Zsc, (bsc, inc) x 5 times, Zsc = 48sc
14 row – 48sc

15 row – Zsc, inc, (7sc, inc) x 5 times, Zsc = 54sc
Tie the jacket with the magic ring in orange 14sc from the bottom up to the white collar of the magic ring. Fasten the thread and knit.
Hair (2pcs)
We knit yellow acrylic knitting.
Cast on 26 ch, from the 2nd from the magic ring hook – 2sc, ( 7ch, bean down the chain, 3sc, 9ch, 8sc down the chain, 3sc) x 3 times, 7ch, bebn down the chain, 3sc, 9ch, 8sc down chain, 2sc = 25sc
We knit with needles No. 2.5 or 3
We dial with color L (red) – 42 loops + 2 edge = 44 loops.
In the description, the edgings are not magic rings, but you knit them.
1-3 rows – rubbermagic ring 1×1 =42
Then we alternate 2 rows of color B2 (white) and color L (red). We knit with front stitch. Even rows knit, odd rows purl.
4 row – 6 persons, dec, (12 persons, dec) x 2 times, blitz = 39 + 2
5-11 rows – 39+2
12 row – 5 persons, dec, (11 persons, dec,) x 2 times, blitz = 36 + 2
13 row – 36+2
14 row – 5 persons, dec, (10 persons, dec,) x 2 times, 5 persons = 33 + 2
15 row – 33+2
16 row – 5 persons, dec, (9 persons, dec,) x 2 times, 4 persons = 30+2
17 row-30+2
18 row – 4 persons, dec, (8 persons, dec,) x 2 times, 4 persons = 27 + 2
19 row-27+2
20 row – 4 persons, dec, (7 persons, dec,) x 2 times, Zlitz = 24 + 2
21 row-24+2
22nd row – knit 3, dec, (blitz, dec,) x 2 times, Zlitz = 21+2
23 row-21+2
24 row – 3 persons, dec, (5 persons, dec,) x 2 times, 2 persons = 18+2
25 row – 18+2
26 row – dec, 14 persons, dec = 16 + 2
27 row – 16+2
28 row – dec, 12 persons, dec = 14 + 2
29 row – 14+2
30 row – dec, Yulits, dec = 12+2
31 row – 12+2
32 row – dec, 8 knit, dec = 10+2
33 row – 10+2
34 row – dec, blitz, dec = 8+2
35 row – 8+2
36th row – dec, knit 4, dec = 6+2
37 row – 6+2

Pull off the loops, sew on the side. Make a brush at the tip.
All details without jacket and cap magic ring.
Lychi decorationmagic ring.
We mark the maces with magic rings for the places of the peepholes. From MAGİC RİNG count 6 rows upwards and between 6 and 7 next to the distance between them 10-11 sc we put pins. From MAGİC RİNG down opus magic ring in the middle and put a pin between the 13th and 14th rows. Drag the eyes evenly to this point, at the bottom of the head. After incising the head, we incise it.
Toned the eye sockets in brown, cheeks in pink. Glue the eyes with superglue.
İncishivaem nose in the middle, inc beforehand I inserted a chenille inc into the inside of the magic ring so that it easily jerks up, the ears are between 13 and 14 rows, the upper part of the ear is at the level of the lower edge of the eye. We embroider eyebrows, eyelashes, a smile with thread magic rings.
Collection of magic ring toys.
We sew the curls around the head, we sew the head to the body so that we can tighten the place of the tightening with a slight tilt of the head to the left. I slightly strengthened the neck with an ear stick, widened the hole in the head with a knitting needle, between the pillars of magic rings.
Now we take the details of the leg of the shortikoa, on the side where we typed ch – fold in half and sew only along this edge. Now we incise the bottom of the shorts to the body in the 10th row from the Magic ring, the distance between them is 2sc.
We assemble the arms and legs as follows:

We take an incochny long thread, 50-60cm. put in a needle. I took the same one from which I knitted the body – cotton gold from Alize. If your threads are thinner, you can add magic ring carcass thread to match the main one.
String on the needle first the upper part of the hand through the Magic ring, then the middle part through the Magic ring. And the palm, so the magic ring in the photo, then return in reverse order, through the middle part to the top.
Magic ring – at the middle and upper parts – at the top of the handle, at the palm – at the bottom. Try to put the needle in the needles without touching the sides. H So the magic ring should move freely inside the neck. Do not cut the long ends of the threads.
Do the same with the second handle and knife magic rings.
We fasten the handles
Mark the places where the handles of the clubs are attached with magic rings. They are located between the 24th and 25th rows, with a line spacing along the 24th row – 12sc. On the back (in the center) also mark the clubs with magic rings 2 points, with a distance of 1-2sc between the points of the magic rings.
We thread a double thread (on which the magic ring is strung) into a long needle. And we incode the needle from the side attachment point of your handle to the nearest yellow pin, and the left to the red one. Then incosto tie a knot at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from the back, tighten it and cut off the extra threads.
Now your handles can be adjusted, lengthened or shortened, can be raised or folded at the elbow. The knot will not be visible under the jacket, and the handles are movable. Whoever doesn’t like it so much, incline it on the back, neatly and incise the thread.
We fasten the legs.

We mark 2 points on the back of the clubs with magic rings, on Zsc above the turquoise color, with a distance between the points of the magic rings 2sc.
We thread a double thread (on which a magic ring knife is strung) into a long needle. And inc we sew the needle from the center of the base of the incisive detail (shorts-top) to the nearest point marked with a pin on the back (inc to yellow, left to red)
Try to put the needle inside the turquoise piece so that your body thread is not visible either from above or from below. Similarly with magic rings, tie a knot, cut the threads.

Your legs will also move. Who doesn’t like it so much – after putting it on the pins, incise carefully and cinch the thread.
Now you need to sew the upper part of the leg to the short magic rings. In a circle of shorts from below, sew with a thread, slightly grabbing the leg, so as not to sew the leg itself and not to grab the thread inside the trdecochka. You can use a contrasting thread to decorate the bottom of the shorts at the same time, or you can match it. I’m in tune. The place of the ink on the magic ring is marked with a pin in the photo. It is possible closer to the edge, it will be easier to incise.
Shoes can be embroidered with laces. On the ends of the white threads on the jacket, you can string one small bead and tie knots. You put on a cap, and incise, put on a jacket.
Collect magic ring keys magic ring
Insert a chenille inc-case into the details “key-trdecochmagic ring” and “key-ring”. Then fold the “key-ring” and sew both edges together, forming a ring.
İncishivaet the ring to the part of the “trdecochmagic ring” on the opposite side, where it was knitted in turn rows, blocking the place of sewing the magic ring with this “tongue”. At the bottom, the keys of the magic ring, stepping back from the beginning of 2-3sc, incise the “key down” detail, wrapping it around the trdecochka. The key is ready.
Magic ring toys are assembled! Congratulations! Now you have your Pinocchiomagic ring!