To create this toy you will need:

• semi-cotton incyazha
(alize cotton gold, yarnart
jeans and inc.)
• hook 2 mm;
• holofiber / synthetic winterizer;
• magic ring for ears and cheeks;
• interlining/ddeclerin;
• peepholes with safe
fastening 8 mm;
• 4 buttons 10-12 mm;
• incyaza cotton or semi-cotton for embroidering the nose, mouth and
• magic ring thread for incising cheeks and ears;
• a long needle with a wide eye for incishivanie parts of the body;
• marker (pinsmagic ring) to mark the beginning of the row.
MAGİC RİNG – amigurumi ring;
sc – single crochet;
İNC – incibavmagic ring;
DEC – decаmagic ring;
CH – air loop;
(1 sc, İNC) * 6 – repeat the combination in magic rings brackets 6 times;
(1 sc, İNC)*6 (18) – digit in magic rings brackets at the end of the line – general
the number of single crochets in a row.
1. 6sc in MAGİC RİNG (6);
2. 6’NC (12);
3. (1sc, İNC)*6 (18);
4. (2sc, İNC)*6 (24);
5. 1sc, (İNC, 3sc)*5, İNC, 2sc (30);
6. (4sc, İNC) *6 (36);
7. 2sc, (İNC, 5sc)*5, İNC, 3sc (42);
8. (6sc, İNC)*6 (48);
9. 3sc, (İNC, 7sc)*5, İNC, 4sc (54);
10. (8sc, İNC)*6 (60);
11. 4sc, (İNC, 9sc)*5, İNC, 5sc (66);
12. (10sc, İNC)*6 (72);
13. – 15. (3 rows) unchanged (72);
16. (10sc, DEC)*6 (66);
17. 4sc, (DEC, 9sc)*5, DEC, 5sc (60);
18. (8sc, DEC)*6 (54);
19. 3sc, (DEC, 7sc)*5, DEC, 4sc (48);
20. (6sc, DEC)*6 (42);
21. 2sc, (DEC, 5sc)*5, DEC, 3sc (36);
– start stuffing your head with filler;
22. (4sc, DEC)*6 (30);
23. 1sc, (DEC, 3sc)*5, DEC, 2sc (24);
24. (2sc, DEC)*6 (18).
– finish knitting, cut the thread.
Insert eyes between 13 and 14
rows at a distance of 14
We embroider the nose between 14 and 17
Eyebrows between 9 and 11 side by side
3 loops wide and high
in 1 loop.
EARS (2 parts):
1. 6sc in MAGİC RİNG;
2. 6 NC (12);
3. (1sc, İNC)*6 (18);
4. (2sc, İNC)*3, 9sc (21).
– finish knitting, leave
long end for inc.
İncoglue a piece with interlining
Тmagic ring and cut out 4 circles. I AM
used a 15mm button
magic ring stencil. İncishite
circles to the ears and cheeks magic rings.
İncishit ears to head between
7 and 12 rows.

Without connecting posts and lifting loops!
1. from the second loop from the magic ring hook 6sc, 3sc to the last loop,
5sc on the other side of the chain, İNC (16);
2. İNC, 5sc, 3 İNC, 5sc, 2 İNC (22);
3. 1sc, İNC, 5sc, (1sc, İNC)*3, 5sc, (1sc, İNC)*2 (28);
4. 2sc, İNC, 5sc, (2sc, İNC)*3, 5sc, (2sc, İNC)*2 (34);
5. 3sc, İNC, 5sc, (3sc, İNC)*3, 5sc, (3sc, İNC)*2 (40);
6.- 8. (3 rows) unchanged (40);
9. (18sc, DEC)*2 (38);
10. (17sc, DEC)*2 (36);
11. (10sc, DEC)*3 (33);
13. (9sc, DEC)*3 (30);
15. (8sc, DEC)*3 (27);
– start stuffing the body with filler;
17. (7sc, DEC)*3 (24);
19. (6sc, DEC)*3 (21);
21. (5sc, DEC)*3 (18).
– finish knitting, leave the thread for incishing.
Embroider the navel between 8 and 9 rows with a width of 2 loops.
LOWER LEGS (2 parts):
1. from the second loop from the magic ring hook 8sc, 3sc to the last loop,
7sc on the other side of the chain, İNC (20);
2. İNC, 7sc, 3İNC, 7sc, 2 İNC (26);
3. 1sc, İNC, 7sc, (1sc, İNC)*3, 7sc, (1sc, İNC)*2 (32);
4.- 5. 2 rows unchanged (32);
6. 9sc, 7DEC, 9sc (25);
7. 7sc, 5DEC, 8sc (20);
8.5sc, 5DEC, 5sc (15);
9. (3sc, DEC)*3 (12);
– tightly fill the foot;
10.- 34. (25 rows) unchanged (12) total 300sc;
– stuff a little magic ring in half;
– pull the hole, tighten the thread.

UPPER LEGS (2 parts):
1. 6sc in MAGİC RİNG;
2. (1sc, İNC)*3 (9);
3. – 22. (20 rows) without
changes (9) total
180 sc;
– stuff a little magic ring in half;
– pull the hole, thread
1. 6sc in MAGİC RİNG;
2. 6’NC (12);
3. (1sc, İNC)*6 (18);
5. (1sc, DEC)*6 (12).
– finish knitting, leave
thread for incishivanie.
• İncishit head to body. Author’s tip: celebrate
markers in front of the middle of the hole on the head and on the body;
we take a thread, we put each end of the magic ring into a separate needle,
we start incising from the middle (where we marked with markers) and
we move with the corresponding needle to the left and wincavo. So both
the needles will meet at the back exactly in the middle, and the head will
Incishita symmetrically to the body. As you incise
stuff the neck area so that the head does not outweigh and
• Incise arms and legs with cotton/semi-cotton thread in 4
(or more) additions, magic ring on the magic ring but on the magic ring picture. it
fastening is called button. Long needle with thread
inc we put in the place of attachment of one arm / leg through the body,
we go out at the place of attachment of the second arm / leg, string
hand / foot on the needle, then we string the button and
we return through the same hole to the initial
hole, string

second arm/leg, then
button and again through the hand.
Tie the ends of the thread to
several knots and inc
thread to the body.
• İncishivaem behind the tail so that our mishmagic ring can
sit and the tail did not interfere with him. Ethen incimerly between 5 and
10 rows.
That’s all! Your long-legged magic ring is ready!
You can knit him a scarf or add others